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產(chǎn)品中心/ products

您的位置:首頁(yè)  -  產(chǎn)品中心  -  德國B(niǎo)URKERT寶德  -    -  268 584BURKERT電動(dòng)截止閥3270 - 2/2 way Motor Valve

BURKERT電動(dòng)截止閥3270 - 2/2 way Motor Valve

BURKERT電動(dòng)截止閥3270 - 2/2 way Motor ValveActuator isolated from flow path
Low power consumption
Fast response times
Orifice sizes 2 to 6 mm

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:268 584
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2016-07-19
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:525

BURKERT電動(dòng)截止閥3270 - 2/2 way Motor Valve

Type 3270 is a direct-acting and general purpose motor valve for shut-off. A linear actuator drives the valve, which comes in a compact and robust housing. Due to an elastomeric seat seal the valve closes tight up to the DN specific nominal pressure. In case of power failure, the actual valve position will be kept. The motor’s power consumption in opened or closed position is nearly zero. Only during valve switching does the motor need power. This key feature can reduce the energy consumption of a plant dramatically and thus make it more efficient.

  • Actuator isolated from flow path
  • Low power consumption
  • Fast response times
  • Orifice sizes 2 to 6 mm

BURKERT電動(dòng)截止閥3270 - 2/2 way Motor Valve

2 G 1/4 FKM 0,15 6 268 576 268 584 NBR 0,15 6 268 580 268 588 NPT 1/4 FKM 0,15 6 268 592 268 600 NBR 0,15 6 268 596 268 604 3 G 1/4 FKM 0,3 6 268 577 268 585 NBR 0,3 6 268 581 268 589 NPT 1/4 FKM 0,3 6 268 593 268 601 NBR 0,3 6 268 597 268 605 4 G 3/8 FKM 0,5 6 268 578 268 586 NBR 0,5 6 268 582 268 590 NPT 3/8 FKM 0,5 6 268 594 268 602 NBR 0,5 6 268 598 268 606 6 G 3/8 FKM 0,9 6 268 579 268 587 NBR 0,9 6 268 583 268 591 NPT 3/8 FKM 0,9 6 268 595 268 603 NBR 0,9 6 268 599 268 607



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